Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe

The Deutsche Sporthilfe stands for effort, but against the manipulation of effort, and it stands for fairplay. Its task is to battle for the integrity of sports and for its meaning for a peaceful and social living-together in our society. For the Sporthilfe, it is an important step to boost sport elites and role models to transport the message of sports into society, as "Effort. Fairplay. Cooperation." are the values that strengthen the country.
Die Projekte der Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe

Unterstützung für die verunglückte Bahnradfahrerin Kristina Vogel
Jeder Sportfan kann mit großen oder kleinen Spenden in den Fonds einzahlen und Kristina Vogel direkt unterstützen. Die Gelder werden ausschließlich für anstehende Investitionen eingesetzt und um ihre Zukunft abzusichern.

Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe - Free water swimming project
Effort. Fairplay. Cooperation - the principles of sports strengthen the country
The proceeds of this auction go directly in a free water swimming projekct for budding triathletes. Swimming gets more and more important in triathlon, as who is not part of the first swimming group already has lost. The boosted project enables the funding of travel costs for regular free water swimming trainings and courses.

Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe
Effort. Fairplay. Cooperation. The principals of sports empower our country
Currently, about 3,800 successful and promising budding athletes and sport stars from more than 50 sports are supported by the Deutsche Sporthilfe, a private initiative. 90 per cent of all German medals won in European championships or world championships were won by supported athletes.