Plan Deutschland

Plan Deutschland is working for children and with them. The approach of a community development orientated to children bases on the rights of girls and boys on protection, boost and equal involvement appropriate to the Convention on the Rights of Children of the United Nations.
Whether children, parents, education or health staff, local NGOs or administrations: together, all project parties boosting for a sustainable development appropriate to the needs and rights of children.
The godchild is a sort of ambassador of its community. Amounts of money are invested in sustainable self help projects, they are neither paid to godchildren nor to their families. Contributions for the sponsorship, donations and public funds make a long-term financing of the programme work possible. The exchange between the godparents and the children and families enforces the intercultural comprehension on both sides.
For the protection of the children, preventative measures are established in the social structures of the communities and Plan informs about the children's rights.
Plan puts girls and boys in the centre of emergency aid and reconstruction. Its focus is on children's protection, education and a catastrophe precaution orientated on children. The approach of the prevention is strengthened in order to improve the protection from the consequences of natural catastrophes. In 2006, Plan Germany founded its emergency aid fund to support aid measures in the partner countries quickly and directly.