Clean Winners e.V.

Clean Winners e.V.

Clean Winners was founded in 1997 by the former tennis professional Carl-Uwe Steeb and the tennis coach Stefan Schaffelhuber with the entrepreneur Hans-Dieter Cleven in order to offer a perspective for a better life to socially deprived children in Germany, especially with the help of sports. The non-profit organisation especially cares for children and youths who are daily confronted with the negative sides of life in their familial environment. Values like fairness, tolerance, respect, helpfulness, confidence, friendship, responsibility and commitment are transmitted through the collective sports experience in the group.

Das Projekt der Clean Winners e.V.

Broad sports offer for children from socially deprived families

Clean Winners e.V.

Ein Sportangebot für sozial benachteiligte Kinder

Mit ihrem Sportangebot möchten die Clean Winners Kindern aus sozial benachteiligten oder gefährdeten Familien aus der Abseitsfalle helfen. Denn über den Sport können Kinder Gemeinschaft erleben und Werte wie Teamgeist, Toleranz, Fairness oder Leistungsbereitschaft erfahren.