Children for Tomorrow

„During my tennis career, I had the chance to travel a lot and to get to know many countries. During those trips, I have often seen the miserable conditions in which children live in many parts of the world. At that time, I decided to boost for those children's future when retiring from professional sports." Already in 1998, tennis star Stefanie Graf realised this aim by founding her foundation Children for Tomorrow. Together with her team, she supports children and families from war and crisis areas and helps them to find mental relief. Children for Tomorrow funds projects in Uganda, Eritrea and in Kosovo, but also provides funds for the work of the refugee ambulance for children and youths in Hamburg.
Das Projekt der Children for Tomorrow

Children for Tomorrow
Chances on a better future
The daily routine of many children is marked by violence, war, expulsion or loss. This causes big mental wounds that sometimes even result in high aggressiveness. Children for Tomorrow, the foundation of tennis star Stefanie Graf, thus boosts for the mental health of children.