DKMS Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei

Every 15 minutes, someone in Germany gets the shattering diagnosis of blood cancer. Many patients are children and youths, whose only chance to cure is a stem cell donation. But every seventh patient does not find a donor.
The DKMS tries to help blood cancer patients who risk to die, everywhere in the world. To find the one donor is the life-saving task of the non-profit organisation DKMS.
The DKMS was founded in 1991 as a private initiative. Today, the DKMS family is the world's largest data file network for stem cell donors, with more than six million registered individuals. Every day, an average of 18 donors give their stem cells. More than 56,000 times, a DKMS donor gave the chance for a second life to someone else. The aim of the DKMS is to enlarge the data file in order to find a fitting life-saver for every single patient. Donations are urgently needed in order to fund the battle against blood cancer, as each registration costs 40 euros, but is neither supported by health insurances nor by public institutions.