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Children's Hospice Netz - Care for children, youths and young adults with life-shortening diseases

Children's Hospice Netz

Care for children, youths and young adults with a short life-expectancy

The children's hospice Netz in Austria cares for children, youths and young adults with a short life-expectancy, whether at home or at the day hospice for children.

Living in the city is not easy - support for deprived children in cities

Living in the city is #keinkinderspiel

Support for socially deprived children in cities

The life environment of children in big cities and metropoles rarely offers safe protection, play and development areas. For many children, violence is part of their daily life. The Kindernothilfe works directly in the cities and supports those children with the help of local partner organisations.

Sophia Kallinowsky Stiftung - Hilfe für Kinder mit der Diagnose Krebs

Sophia Kallinowsky Foundation

Help for children suffering from cancer

Ten months after the death of Sophia Kallinowsky, the parents of the little girl founded the Sophia Kallinowsky Foundation in order to contribute to an improvement for children with the diagnosis cancer.

Children's hospice Bärenherz Leipzig

Children's hospice Bärenherz Leipzig

Help for parents with seriously ill children

At the children's hospice Bärenherz, seriously ill children get care until their death. Families get professional help and find time to get new power for their difficult daily life.

Eagles Charity Friends Club e.V.

Eagles Charity Friends Club e.V.

Help deprived people with golf

The Eagles Charity Friends Club e.V. chose as its task to help people not standing on the bright side of life with golf. The association supports regional and supraregional institutions in order to contribute a little to a better world. 

Star Care e.V. - Support for social projects for children

Star Care e.V.

Support for social projects for children

The aim of Star Care e.V. is to support social projects for children. All capital of Star Care e.V. goes directly to regional aid projects, medical institutions, institutions for disabled people, children's homes and children's care centres. 

Deutsche PSP-Gesellschaft e.V.

German PSP Society

Help for people suffering from PSP

PSP needs special attention as it is a rare disease. The Deutsche PSP-Gesellschaft e.V. gives a lot of aid for people suffering from it. They offer them a lobby and supports research projects in order to help. 

Lebensretter für Lukas gesucht

Looking for a life-saver for Lukas

Lukas is searching a stem cell donator

Lukas is 12 years old. He is suffering from a rare blood disease, his body does not build red blood cells and cannot catabolise iron. If he does not find a fitting donator soon, he will die. But the AKB wants to avoid this and is looking for his life saver!

Children's hospice Bethel - protect life

Children's hospice Bethel

Protect life

The children's hospice Bethel is a place full of warmth and light where the responsive accompany children and youths with a short life-expectancy and their relatives on their difficult way. In an empathic environment, the children receive the power they need for that their last life period stays in the light.

Children's university clinic Leipzig - Best medical care for small patients

Children's university clinic Leipzig

Best medical care for small patients

The clinic and poly clinic for paediatrics form the children's centre of the university clinic in Leipzig with the clinic for paediatric surgery and the departments for paediatric radiology and paediatric anaesthesiology.

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