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Looking for a life-saver for Lukas

Lebensretter für Lukas gesucht

Lukas is 12 years old. He is suffering from a rare blood disease, his body does not build red blood cells and cannot catabolise iron. If he does not find a fitting donator soon, he will die. For one year, Lukas has a heart pump. He is always carrying the rucksack with the electronics and the battery. He cannot participate in the sports lessons any more. His big dream is to play football again with the other children. His idol is David Alaba.

Make the impossible possible!

If today, a patient is looking for a stem cell donor, he usually finds one thanks to many voluntary stem cell donors. 29 million people wordlwide are already registered as stem cell donors. For Lukas, it is different: for more than 10 years, his parents in Vorarlberg are looking for a suitable donor. They have executed numerous typing campaigns in the region. The sad result: for ten yeras, there is nobody fitting the genetic characteristics of Lukas. Now, all people in Munich and Bavaria shall help! The AKB wants to find a life-saver for Lukas. Together, we can make the impossible possible and save Lukas's life!

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