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SOS Children's Village Nepal - Emergency help for the victims of the earthquake

SOS Children's Village Nepal

Emergency aid for the victims of the earthquake

Ruins, dead and hurt people and desperate survivors everywhere: a devastating earthquake brought death and damage to the people in the Himalayas. The SOS Children's Villages offer emergency aid in order to stand by children and families.

Reha-Klinik für krebs- und herzkranke Kinder und ihre Familien

KindernachsorgeKlinik Berlin-Brandenburg

Rehab hospital for children suffering from cancer and cardiac problems

The charitable rehab clinic works in the concept of a family-focussed rehabilitation: the children suffering from cancer or cardiac problems spend their four week rehabilitation with their parents, brothers and sisters. They get individual medical and psychological assistance.

Save the Children - Help for Syrian refugee children in Egypt

Save the Children

Help for Syrian refugee children in Egypt

The programmes of Save the Children are open to every child, whatever their nationality is. They shall improve the lives of children who had to leave their homes and who are excluded by society.

Restoration of a school in Kathmandu

Restoration of a school in Kathmandu

Restoration of a school in Kathmandu

The buildings in the region around Kathmandu have been strongly devastated and school buildings are affected as well - they are now in dangerous structure. The Srongsten Bhirkuiti High School is one of them. In order that the school life can start again as soon as possible, acting is urgently needed.

Deutscher Kinderverein e.V.

Deutscher Kinderverein e.V.

Against child abuse and for the rights of children

Deutscher Kinderverein in Essen speaks up for children's rights since its foundation in 2012. The work is focussed on article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which militates against violence, abuse and disregard.

Tour of Hope - Fundraising for children suffering from cancer

Tour of Hope

For the feeling to know not to be alone

Doctors still fight too often in vain for the lives of children suffering from cancer. New therapies have to be developped and the psycho-social care for the small patients and their families have to be improved. For these reasons, the cyclists of the Tour der Hoffnung collect donations every year.

Stem cell donor for little Noah - AKB looked for Noah's life-saver

Stem cell donor for little Noah

The AKB looked for Noah's life-saver

The foundation Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern (AKB) looked for a fitting stem cell donor for the 12-year-old Noah. The 50,000 euros used for the typecast are not funded yet.

Refugees' aid of the Caritas Osnabrück - Leisure activities for refugee children

Refugees' aid of the Caritas Osnabrück

Leisure activities for refugee children

Caritas Osnabrück speaks up for refugees and especially cares about traumatized children and youths. Meaningful recreational activities are an important factor in their often sad daily routine abroad.

Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Foundation - Drying tears worldwide

Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Foundation

Drying tears worldwide

The Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung speaks up for children with numerous projects in the whole world. The foundation's help is geared to the UN Convention on Human Rights in the areas of care, education, health and emergency relief.

Smile Engagement

Smile Engagement

Unbureaucratic help for social clubs and projects

In our society, many people feel good, but many other people really do not feel good. Children's poverty, neglect, diseases, violence or old-age poverty are only some of the problems. In order to fight against these problems, Julia Bauer founded the charitable organisation Smile Engagement in Dezember of 2014.

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