
Wings for Life boosts for healing paraplegia

Wings for Life: find a cure for spinal cord injury

The aim of Wings for Life is clearly defined: a life withouth a wheelchair

The not-for-profit and state recognized research foundation has set itself the goal of finding a cure for spinal cord injury. Since 2004, with the help of donations from individuals and companies, Wings for Life has been funding promising research projects and clinical studies to heal the injured spinal cord.

Winter help for refugee children - Refugee children need our help

Winter help for refugee children

Refugee children need our help

Hundreds of thousands refugee children in Syria, Northern Iraq and the neighbouring countries need urgent help to overcome the cold period of the year. UNICEF provides winter packages with warm clothes and shoes and more life-saving reliefs.

 Wir im Revier

Wir im Revier

Zusammenhalt schaffen

"Wir im Revier" ist eine Aktion der Funke Mediengruppe in NRW,  der Caritas, der Diakonie sowie weiteren Stiftungen und Unternehmen aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Zusammen wollen sie Menschen helfen, die durch die Corona-Krise in Not geraten sind.

 World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief

Life-changing bicycles for people around the world

Empowering individuals to access education, healthcare and economic opportunities through life-changing bicycles. World Bicycle Relief is a catalyst for change, partnering with people in rural communities around the globe to realize their goals by expanding opportunities to access education, markets, health facilities and vital services with the tool they need to thrive.

Children are our future

World Childhood Foundation

Children are our future

Children are our future. Convinced by this statement, Queen Silvia of Sweden founded with 14 co-founders the WORLD CHILDHOOD FOUNDATION in 1999. The aim of the foundation is to improve the life situations of vulnerable, exploited and poor children worldwide.

 wünschdirwas e.V.

wünschdirwas e.V.

Herzenswünsche kranker Kinder erfüllen

wünschdirwas e.V. erfüllt seit über 30 Jahren chronisch und schwer erkrankten Kindern und Jugendlichen ihre größten Herzenswünsche. Ein unvergesslich schönes Erlebnis soll den Kindern dabei helfen, wieder Lebensmut und Zuversicht zu erlangen.



Campaigning for nature

The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the biggest and most experienced nature conservation organisations in the world and works in more than 100 countries. It conducts around 1,300 projects to preserve the biological diversity worldwide.

You are your future - Workshops for youths

You are your future

Workshops for youths

The project plans to offer youths a workshop series with diverse topics like for example sports, arts, job finding, social competencies, theatre etc. So, the young people get a chance to take their future in their own hands.

Work for peace and understanding worldwide

YOU Foundation - Education for children in need

Education for the poorest of the poor

The YOU Foundation – Education für children in need, an initiative of the UNESCO special ambassador Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, campaigns worldwide for the education for the poorest of the poor people. The foundation and its founder follow the values and mission of the UNESCO and its educational agenda 2030.

 Young Bafana – Soccer Academy

Young Bafana – Soccer Academy

Changing Lives

Young Bafana ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation (NGO), die sich seit 2010 mit einem umfassenden Fußball- und Bildungsangebot der ganzheitlichen Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus armen Verhältnissen in Südafrika widmet.

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