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Children's Wishes campaign of the Deutsche Nierenstiftung - Fulfilment of the heartfelt wishes of children whose parents or brothers or sisters are suffering from a kidney complaint

Children's Wishes campaign of the Deutsche Nierenstiftung

Fulfilment of the heartfelt wishes of children whose parents, brothers or sisters are suffering from a kidney complaint

Every year, the Deutsche Nierenstiftung fulfils the heartfelt wishes of children and youths whose parents, brothers or sisters are suffering from a kidney complaint. With the "children's wishes" campaign, the Deutsche Nierenstiftung praises their courage and fulfils a heartfelt wish for each of the children.

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Your donation via PayPal


Your donation via credit transfer

Donations account:
United Charity gemeinnützige Stiftungs GmbH
IBAN: DE75 6619 0000 0059 1188 03

Reference: Name of the organisation and your address for the donation receipt