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A good perspective on the Olympic Games for children

Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe

Effort. Fairplay. Cooperation. The principals of sports empower our country

Currently, about 3,800 successful and promising budding athletes and sport stars from more than 50 sports are supported by the Deutsche Sporthilfe, a private initiative. 90 per cent of all German medals won in European championships or world championships were won by supported athletes.


Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe - Free water swimming project

Effort. Fairplay. Cooperation - the principles of sports strengthen the country

The proceeds of this auction go directly in a free water swimming projekct for budding triathletes. Swimming gets more and more important in triathlon, as who is not part of the first swimming group already has lost. The boosted project enables the funding of travel costs for regular free water swimming trainings and courses.

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Live responsibility. Show your colours. Help exemplarily.

VfBfairplay bundles the social projects of the football club VfB Stuttgart, pointing out its authenticity and sustainability. The VfB supports diverse regional projects around the topics of home, youth and football.

In safe hands e.V. - Football as a medium for integration

In safe hands e.V.

Football as a medium for integration

In projects in Augsburg and Bochum, In safe hands e.V. uses football as a medium in order to bring together children of diverse origins, communicate values and begin integration processes.

 Mutige Kinder e.V.

Mutige Kinder e.V.

A future for children in need

Mutige Kinder e.V. (Brave Children) supports abused and socially deprived children, especially in Cologne and the surroundings.

 Koala Hospital

Koala Hospital

The first Koala Hospital in the world

The Koala Hospital is on the ground of the Roto Rouse in Australia and is the first hospital worldwide dedicated to the care and protection of koalas. The clinic has a doctor's office, eight intensive care units, an operating theatre accessible around-the-clock and several rehab areas.



Campaigning for nature

The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the biggest and most experienced nature conservation organisations in the world and works in more than 100 countries. It conducts around 1,300 projects to preserve the biological diversity worldwide.

 Rehahund e.V.

Rehahund e.V.

Specifically trained dogs for ill children

The association Rehahund e.V. (Rehab Dogs) was founded in 2006. Rehab dogs for children play a special role, as the well-being of children with disabilities is especially close to the association's responsibles hearts. Children can not only realise their lives in a more independent and self-confident way thanks to the dogs, but the dogs also support their special disease patterns.

 Dunkelziffer e.V.

Dunkelziffer e.V.

Help for sexually abused children

Since its foundation in 1993, Dunkelziffer e.V. helps girls and boys who have been sexually abused. For example, the association gives advice to children and youths, as well as their attachment figures. Furthermore, Dunkelziffer e.V. offers crisis intervention by a professional team. 

Weihnachtsaktion Hunger

Aktion Hunger

Das Überleben hungernder Kinder sichern

UNICEF ruft unter dem Titel „Lass die Zukunft nicht verhungern“ zu Spenden für Kinder und Familien auf, die an Hunger leiden. Weltweit leidet heute jeder neunte Mensch an Hunger und insgesamt 150 Millionen Kinder sind wegen chronischer Mangelernährung unterentwickelt.