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Cambodia Family Support - Courage and power for self-help

Cambodia Family Support

Power and courage for self-help

In the rural regions of Cambodia, families have to fight against a lack of food and infrastructure often is lacking as well. The organisation "Cambodia Family Support" helps many people with the improvement of their income possibilities.

Marco Sturm Stiftung

Marco Sturm Foundation

Unbureaucratic help for children in need

The Marco Sturm Foundation has as its aims to help children, to minimize pain and to offer hope. The foundation wants to help unbureaucratically, fast and without detours where help is needed.

 Schneesport Foundation

Schneesport Foundation

Snow sports for everyone.

The Schneesport Foundation has a clear vision: "Snow sports for everyone." and especially supports socially deprived children and youths, migrants, refugees and children and youths with disasbilities. 

Foundation for the Ambulant Children's Hospice Munich

Foundation for the Ambulant Children's Hospice Munich

Commitment with the whole heart

The ambulant children's hospice Munich wants to make it possible for terminally or seriously ill children and youths to stay as long as possible in their familial environment.

Ausbruch e.V. - Help for people to go their own way

Ausbruch e.V.

Helping people to go their own way

With the project "Affecting Pictures" Ausbruch e.V. supports self-help groups in the surroundings of Cloppenbourg and other projects. The club wants to help people to go their own way.

 Help for Children in the Philippines

Help for Children in the Philippines

Peace work through education and conservation

With local partner organisations, terre des hommes boosts scholar education and further professional training for youths in the Philippines, especially on the island of Mindanao. Furthermore, the abolition of violence in education plays an important role.

MIAGI - Music is a Great Investment


Jean-Jacques Kravetz's Music Foundation

The aim of his foundation is primarily to help people in a material and intelectual way in the areas of arts and culture as well as education. For this reason, ENTRÉE befriends people with a musical talent, but who are missing the wherewithal.

STOP10SECONDS - Save children from starvation


Save children from starvation

With #Stop10Seconds UNICEF says: starving children shall not be left alone and the helix of famine and death shall be ended. The aim: save 10,000 children in South Sudan from starvation!

Boosting the budding alpine and nordic athletes

Freunde der Ski-Nationalmannschaft

Boosting the budding alpine and nordic athletes

The association "Förderkreis des Deutschen Skiverbandes Freunde der Ski-Nationalmannschaft" (Booster club of the German national ski team) is boosting measures for the scholar, vocational and sportive education of the budding alpine and nordic athletes.